
The dental office is fully equiped with up to date appliances which provide high quality of dental and oral services in order to give a complete diagnosis, a suitable treatment and prevation to every patient separatly.

  • Intraoral camera
  • Digital radiography
  • Diode Dental Laser of soft tissue
  • Microappliances

At the dental office there are dental services provided that aim at the special treatment of every patient. The dental services have to do with all the range of the provided treatments such as fillings, prosthetic procedures, root canal treatments, aesthetic restorations, periodontal treatments, etc. All treatments are operated under strict sterile conditions through advanced tools, that ensure the best results.


• Dental Services.
At the dental office there are dental services provided that aim at the special treatment of every patient. The dental services have to do with all the range of the provided treatments such as fillings, prosthetic procedures, root canal treatments, aesthetic restorations, periodontal treatments, etc. All treatments are operated under strict sterile conditions through advanced tools, that ensure the best results.

• Stomatological services
Stomatology is a specialized field of the Dental Science that aims at the prevention, the diagnosis and the treatment of the diseases and pathological conditions that are spotted on all of the other tissues of the oral cavity, except for the teeth. Like in all the tissues and organs of the human body, situations or diseases or pathological conditions of multiple and different cause, can appear on the oral cavity as well.

Injuries, reactive hyperplasias. The pressure and the repeated irritations of the mucosa of the oral cavity can cause several damage with various clinical images ( eg nodules, cysts, ulcerations, redness).

Fungal infections. While fungi exist naturally in our oral cavity, under conditions of failure of the defensive system, bad oral care, excessive use of smoke, diabetes mellitus, etc, especially in patients wearing complete and partial dentures, many problems can make their appearance due to fungal colonization. Patients may not experience any symptoms and that is why it is nessecary to check the denture right after its fitting.

Bacterial-viral infections. Various microorganisms, such as the herpes virus, the virus herpes zoster, the cytomegalovirus, the AIDS virus, staphylococcus, Papillomaviruses, streptococcus etc., can affect the oral cavity even as a first and only symptom. Infections can come with or without fever, and other general symptoms. In addition, their appearance may differ from ulcerations (sores) to nodules. Their immediate treatment from experts is in some cases essential even for the patients' life.

Autoimmune diseases. Over the past years in Greece, due to many factors, including stress, various autoimmune mechanisms are being activated that provoke autoimmune diseases such as lichen planus, lupus erythematosus syndrome, Sjogren syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, pemphigoid etc. Many of these diseases, at first infect only the oral cavity and other combinations of organs (mouth, skin, bones, internal organs). Patients usually experience some discomfort due to sores in the oral cavity. The early diagnosis by a team of experts, including dentists and stomatologists, is necessary for the good quality of the patients's life.

Neoplasms. Head and neck cancer ranks 6th on the list with the most common types of cancer in the world. There are many causes for cancer at those areas such as smoking, alcohol, various viruses, various oncogenes, etc. Usually, before the appearance of these specific tumor, our body "warns us" with leukoplakia. Early diagnosis is extremely important because oral cancer is treatable. In most of these diseases, the early diagnosis can prove lifesaving for the patient.The resemblance in the clinical symptomatology in many of these diseases, calls for a documented medical history and further exploration with the help of paraclinical tests (e.g. blood tests) so as the final diagnosis is set. The treatment of the oral diseases, in many cases includes the receipt of a part of the tissue (biopsy) from the infected tissues so as the final diagnosis is set.